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Frequently Asked Questions
Traveler Reviews
A Traveler Review is your opportunity to share your Grand Circle experience with future travelers—or, if you’re thinking about taking a trip, to read what other travelers have to say.
No. If you have a question or concern that you would like us to address, please contact us and the appropriate party will respond to you.
Yes—when you’re logged into My Planner, you will see a “Comment” link below each Traveler Review. By clicking on this link, you will be able to post a comment about that specific Traveler Review.
Once a review is posted, it cannot be edited or deleted.
Our reviews are sorted according to the order in which they were posted, with the newest review first.
Once you’re logged into My Planner, select the vacation you'd like to review by using either the “Small Ship & River Cruises” or “Land Tours” tab on the top of the homepage. Once you’ve found your vacation’s page, click on "Average Rating" in the top left. You should get a prompt to review the trip. When you click on this link, a review window will automatically open, allowing you to review your vacation. Please keep in mind that it may take up to 72 hours for your Traveler Review to appear on our website.
To ensure that reviews are as helpful as possible to future travelers, we want them to refer to a specific trip—not to a destination in general.
Yes—reviews are limited to 10,000 characters. Keep in mind that shorter reviews are easier to read online, so we encourage you to be as concise as possible while still being detailed. If you’ve got a lot to say, keeping your paragraphs brief will make your review more readable.
If you've traveled on any Grand Circle trip, we invite you to write a review of your experience to help potential travelers make an informed decision. While we encourage you to be honest, we've established some guidelines to help keep our community positive and helpful. We reserve the right to delete a review for any reason.
The star ratings represent the overall quality of your vacation, with five stars meaning “excellent” and one star meaning “poor.”
You’ve told us what you thought of your trip; now you can help other travelers make an informed decision. The feedback you give us in post-trip quality surveys is essential in letting us know where we can improve. Traveler Reviews, on the other hand, are exclusively for our travelers. They give you the opportunity to share your experience, and help other travelers learn about the trip in which they’re interested.
No. Your Traveler Review is intended for the benefit of other travelers only, and not as formal feedback to Grand Circle. Your post-trip survey tells us everything we need to know about the quality of our trips and the performance of your Program Director. We won’t consider your review to be part of your survey.
We reserve the right to delete reviews that do not comply with our guidelines.
Once you submit your review, it becomes the property of Grand Circle Travel, and we may reproduce some or all of it in our promotional materials—either elsewhere on our website, in an email, or in our catalogs. You also authorize us to disclose your last name, hometown and state, and travel history with us in connection with the review.