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England, Scotland & Wales

Average group size of 30 travelers
  Traveler Reviews (398) 79% Traveler Excellence Rating

England, Scotland & Wales

79% of travelers rated this trip excellent

  • Program Director: 89% of travelers rated their Program Director “excellent,” citing his or her facilitation of people-to-people interactions, communication skills, and overall performance.
  • Learning & Discovery: 79% of travelers rated the learning and discovery activities on this trip “excellent,” citing its authentic cultural experiences and controversial conversations.
  • Solo Women Excellence: 82% of solo women travelers who joined us independently or shared a room with a mother, daughter, sister, or friend rated their experience on this trip “excellent.”
Activity Level Activity Level 1 2 3 4 5
England: London, Bath, York, Lake District Wales: Snowdonia Scotland: Edinburgh
16 Days | $300 per day
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Set in an 18th-century building, the Celtic Royal Hotel is just a few minutes’ walk from historic Caernarfon Castle, the site where, in 1969, Charles officially became the Prince of Wales. Amenities include a fully equipped gym, indoor pool, and sauna/steam room. Your room features a telephone, TV, and private bath with shower and hair dryer.

Centrally located near many of the city’s iconic landmarks—including the York Mansion House, York Dungeon, and York Minster—the First-Class Park Inn York Hotel offers a restaurant, bar, and health club. Your air-conditioned room is equipped with a TV, Internet access, coffee- and tea-making facilities, safe, and private bath.

Located about a mile from the city center, this First-Class hotel was originally built in 1786 for the Provost of Inverness, who was visited by Robert Burns on September 5, 1787. Burns’s letter thanking the Provost is on display in the reception area. Amenities include a restaurant, lounge, health spa, and swimming pool. Your room includes a telephone, TV, and coffee- and tea-making facilities.

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