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Emotional Maturity

The Grand Circle values are what our associates need to exemplify.

Below are some questions you can ask yourself to assess your fit with our corporate culture.

  • Do you take full accountability over their actions and results?
  • Do you admit when you are wrong or when you have made a mistake? Are you comfortable saying “I don’t know”?
  • Do you maintain a level head during challenging or difficult experiences?
  • Do you come from facts over feelings when making recommendations or raising hot issues?
  • In the face of set-backs, disappointments, do you acknowledge feelings, decide what can be done take steps to move the business forward?
  • Do you manage your emotions in a productive way at work?
  • Do you express your emotions and thoughts in a clear, respectful and constructive manner in the face of conflict or conflicting points of view?
  • Do you set healthy boundaries? Are you willing to call stops and say no when necessary?


Open & Courageous CommunicationEmotional MaturityRisk TakingTeamworkThriving in ChangeSpeedQuality

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