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New! Alaskan Discovery: Denali National Park & the Kenai Fjords

Average group size of 30 travelers
  Traveler Reviews (46) Activity Level Activity Level 1 2 3 4 5
Alaska: Fairbanks, Denali National Park, Talkeetna, Seward, Anchorage
10 Days | $610 per day
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This cozy lodge is situated on the shores of the Chena River, and is conveniently located near the airport, shops, and restaurants. Amenities include a deck overlooking the river, a steam room, restaurant, and lounge. Each of the air-conditioned rooms features a TV, coffee- and tea-making facilities, wireless Internet access, and a private bath with hair dryer.

The Grand Denali Lodge is conveniently located on the edge of Denali National Park and features a restaurant, bar, and bike rental. Each of the hotel's air-conditioned rooms includes a TV, coffee- and tea-making facilities, wireless Internet access, and a private bath with hair dryer.

Soak up stunning views of Denali Mountain, the highest peak in North America, from the comfort of Talkeetna Alaskan Lodge. Amenities include a restaurant, bar, and gift shop, while each of the hotel's 212 rooms features coffee-making facilities, a TV, wireless Internet access, and a private bath with hair dryer.

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