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Make a difference

Grand Circle Foundation and the Alnoba Lewis Family Foundation have a long history of giving back: to the places where we travel, to the people who live there, and to the city of Boston and communities around the world where we live and work. Grand Circle Foundation, together with the Alnoba Lewis Family Foundation, has pledged or donated $250 million throughout the world in locations including Africa, Asia, South Pacific, Europe and the Americas. Many of the projects the Foundation supports are, quite literally, in the path of our travelers, while many more are much closer to home.

Our associates also bring life to Mahatma Gandhi’s iconic saying: “Be the change you want to see in the world.” They take part in incredible community service opportunities throughout the year. Some of our biggest causes include:

  • Rebuilding Together Boston—Associates donate their time to help this national non-profit build and renovate low-income housing.

  • New England Center and Home for Veterans—Grand Circle associates volunteer to serve dinner and dessert to homeless veterans, providing support and fostering community connections.

  • West End House Boys and Girls Club (WEBGC)—We collaborate with the WEBGC to support various initiatives, including homework assistance, after-school activities, and school supply drives, aimed at enriching the lives of local youth.

  • Christopher’s Haven—The company partners with Christopher’s Haven to provide catered dinners and engage with children undergoing cancer treatment, as well as their families temporarily residing in Boston during treatment.

  • Inclusive Support—Grand Circle organizes events throughout the year to celebrate and support diverse communities and important causes, including Black History Month, Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month, Pride Month, Hispanic Heritage Month, and Suicide Prevention initiatives.

Grand Circle Foundation

In 1992, owners Alan and Harriet Lewis established the nonprofit Grand Circle Foundation to support communities in which Grand Circle works and travels, including some 500 humanitarian, cultural, and educational endeavors worldwide—among them, over 100 schools—in 60 countries.

To learn more about the work of Grand Circle Foundation and the leaders who inspire us, visit our website. There, you can read inspirational stories about how we’re changing lives together—including our projects in schools and villages and our community service efforts—and sign up to receive monthly updates with our free e-newsletter.

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